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What's new for SAP BusinessObjets Information Design Tool

Accueil » Formations » Business Intelligence » What’s new for SAP BusinessObjets Information Design Tool

Retrouvez toutes les nouveautés sur la dernière version SAP BO IDT 4.2. SP 3

600 € HT 1 jour WNIDT


Introduction to IDT

  • DataFondation single source concepts
  • DataFondation multi sources concepts
  • Creating a project
  • Sharing and synchronising a local project
  • Creating a connexion

Creating a DataFondation and a Business Layer

  • Define relationships (joins) between tables
  • Multi-Source Data Foundations
  • Detect and resolve Loops (aliases and contexts)
  • Create Calculated Columns
  • Create Derived tables
  • Define Parameters and Lists of Values
  • Create multiple views of the data structure
  • Add all the required folders and objects
  • Test Objects by creating Business Layer Queries
  • Publish the Business Layer to the repository


Access Restrictions

Maintaing universes

Differences between IDT universes and UDT universes

  • UDT to IDT Workflow Comparison
  • Nommenclature
  • New features in IDT

Migration of a .unv to a .unx

    Thèmes :
  • SAP
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