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Fast track to QlikView Designer

Accueil » Formations » Business Intelligence » Fast track to QlikView Designer

La formation QlikView Designer est une formation de 2 jours pour l'utilisateur 'business'.
Cet utilisateur est responsable de la création des rapports (Reporting) et de tableaux de bord (Dashboarding).

1150 € HT 2 jours QlikView


Designer (1 Day)

  • Using QlikView Desktop
  • Layout and design best practices
  • Sheets and Sheet Objects
  • Box : the list, the table & the Multi Box
  • Other Important Boxes
  • Charts
  • The QlikView script
  • Settings
  • Reference Materials

Designer  (1 Day)

  • Multidimensional Charts, Pivot Tables
  • Advanced Charts, Tables & Objects
  • Advanced Calculations in Sheet Objects
  • Gauges, Buttons and Actions
  • Other Sheet Objects
  • Additional Editing in the Layout
  • Other Uses of Expressions
  • Reports and Bookmarks
  • Business Case Workshop
  • Review and Conclusion
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