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Mobile Test Automation with Appium

Accueil » Formations » Factory » Mobile Test Automation with Appium

Appium is an open source tool for automating native, mobile and hybrid Web applications on iOS mobile, Android mobile and Windows platforms. This training will teach you how to build effective tests, design scripts in a mobile environment, and run and analyze the results.

1200 € HT 2 jours Appium

Test Automation for Mobile Apps using Appium


1. Introduction to Mobile Automation Testing

  • Test Automation on Mobile
  • Benefits and limits of the automation of mobile tests

2. Introduction to Appium

  • Advantages and limits of Appium
  • How does Appium work?

3. Appium in practice – the conception and following of scripts

  • Global overview of customer and Appium server
  • Configuration with Eclipse and Katalon Studio
  • Manual scripts
  • Customed daily files
  • Creation of test reports

4. Automation procedure

  • Deployment of the target application and emulator / terminal
  • Configuration of Appium services
  • Creation of automation on an emulator / terminal prototype

5. Improve Scripts Quality

  • “Web Element” / “Native Element” methods
  • Creation of a target object map
  • Modularization test

6. Appium – Juinit / TestNG / Maven / Jenkins

  • Execute an Appium test script on multiple terminals and deborage
  • Solve identified problems
  • Implementation of an automated framework for the deployment on several terminals / emulators
  • Continual integration with Appium

Practical exercises

This training consists of practical exercises to illustrate the subjects discussed and provides trainees with the
opportunity to learn through practice.

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