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Microsoft Cloud Workshop : Machine Learning

Accueil » Formations » Data » Microsoft Cloud Workshop : Machine Learning

In this whiteboard design session, you will work with a group to design and implement a solution that combines Azure Databricks with Azure Machine Learning service to build, train and deploy the machine learning and deep learning models. You will learn how to use automated machine learning, model lifecycle management from training to deployment, in batch and real-time inferencing scenarios, and construct deep learning models for Natural Language Processing (NLP) in text classification and forecasting against time-series data. Finally, you’ll learn to compare data with PyTorch and Keras for deep learning.

700 € HT 1 jour Cloud-ML


Module 1: Whiteboard Design Session – Machine Learning

  • Lessons
    • Review the customer case study
    • Design a proof of concept solution
    • Present the solution

Module 2: Hands-on lab – Machine Learning

  • Lessons
    • Creating a forecast model using automated machine learning
    • Understanding the automated ML generated forecast model using model explainability
    • Creating a deep learning model (RNN) for time series data and registering the model
    • Using a forecast model for scoring of streaming telemetry
    • Creating a deep learning text classification model
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