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Manage tests and defects with Open Source tools (Squash TM, Mantis)

Accueil » Formations » Factory » Manage tests and defects with Open Source tools (Squash TM, Mantis)

The implementation of good testing practices during the various stages of development contributes to the final quality of your applications. This training focuses on the Open Source tools dedicated to testing and their implementation in projects.

1650 € HT 3 jours MTDOST

Software Testing Training


1. Generalities

  • Generalities related to test support tools
  • Tests reports Open Source tools
  • Presentation of Squash TM

2. Squash TM for testers

  • Requirements
    • Basics of requirements use in Squash TM
    • Links between requirements and test case
  • Tests cases
    • Basic of requirements use in tests cases for Squash TM
    • Management of test datas
    • Variabilisation of test cases
    • Organisation of test cases
    • Links between requirements, test cases, test campaigns and defects
  • Test campaigns
    • Basics of test cases use in Squash TM
    • Execution of test cases in Squash TM
    • Campaign assistant
    • Links between test cases and defects
  • Defects
    • Generalities related to Mantis
    • Managements of defects in Mantis
    • Golden rule of defects report
    • Integration Squash – Mantis
    • Other integration
  • Cross-functionalities
    • Research
    • Import / export functionalities
    • Management of versions

3. Squash TM for tests managers

  • Management of projects in Squash TM
    • Creation of projects
    • Customization of a project
    • Management of users
  • Test planning
    • Organisation of campaigns and irations
    • Test cases assignment
  • Driving and test control
    • Foollowing of requirements, test case and test campaigns
    • Driving area
    • Graphics
    • Dahsboard
    • Reports
    • Export of customized reports

4. Test automation with Squash

  •  Generalities related to test automation with Squash
  • Integration of test automation with Squash TM
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