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Alfresco : Web Scripts for JavaScript Developers

Accueil » Formations » Java » Alfresco : Web Scripts for JavaScript Developers

Alfresco Web scripts provide a unique way to programmatically interact with the Alfresco Content Application Server. Unlike other interfaces exposed by Alfresco, Web scripts offer a RESTful API for the content residing in the content repository.
REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style of which the Web architecture is the most prominent example, one based on HTTP requests and responses, URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), and document types.
The most exciting feature of Alfresco Web scripts is that they allow you to implement your own RESTful API.
You do not need tooling or Java knowledge to create Web scripts; you simply need your favorite text editor.
No compilation, generators, server restarts, or complex installs are required. This approach to developing an Alfresco API means that Web scripts offer many advantages over existing technologies, such as SOAP, including ease and speed of development, and flexibility in API design.

1150 € HT 2 jours ALF-WSJSD

Tout savoir sur les "web scripts avec Alfresco" : comment, pourquoi, son intégration avec d'autres systèmes ainsi que la customisation des fonctionnalités en vue de répondre aux besoins spécifiques.


Web Scripts overview

  • Overview
  • MVC Framework
  • Types of Web Scripts
  • Defining a Web script
  • Storing a web script
  • Registering a Web script
  • Listing all Registered Web scripts
  • Invoking a Web script

Web Script components

  • Overview
  • Descriptor
  • Controller
  • FreeMarker template
  • Optional components

Introducing Maven

  • Overview
  • Terminology
  • Creating a new project
  • Project structure
  • POM file
  • Maven and Alfresco


  • Overview
  • Alfresco and FreeMarker
  • FreeMarker Data Model

HTTP argument and error handling

  • Overview
  • URL Argument handling
  • Status codes
  • Status root objects

JavaScript controller

  • Overview
  • JavaScript API
  • JavaScript and Alfresco
  • Root Scope API objects
  • Scripts Node API
  • Modifying and Creating API
  • Custom Script API
  • JavaScript debugger


  • Overview
  • Search service
  • Lucene
  • Alfresco-FTS
  • Alfresco CMIS-QL

Presentation Web Scripts

  • Overview
  • Architecture
  • Dashlets
  • Web Scripts interaction

Multiple Response Templates

  • Overview
  • MIME types
  • Descriptor format tag
  • Calling a format

Advanced options

  • Internationalization
  • Custom configuration files
  • Content negotiation
  • Multi-part forms
  • Complex HTTP requests
  • Caching
  • Additional Descriptor options
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