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Alfresco : Share Configuration 4.2

Accueil » Formations » Java » Alfresco : Share Configuration 4.2

Share Configuration 4.2 shows how the Alfresco Share interface can be configured to display your own content models and types, how the advanced search features can be tailored and gives a general introduction to the Alfresco Forms system.
This course will allow you to configure Share for your users to support your own metadata requirements - the first things that most developers will want to do.

600 € HT 1 jour ALF-SC

Share Configuration 4.2 shows how the Alfresco Share interface can be configured to display your own content models and types, etc


Introduction to Share Configuration

  • Overview
  • Development options
  • Aikau overview
  • Directory structure
  • Configuration files
  • Share-config-custom


  • Overview
  • Enabling
  • Component details
  • Best practices

Deploying and Troubleshooting

  • Overview
  • Running Share in different Tomcat instances
  • Deploying your changes
  • Debugging
  • Troubleshooting

UI Controls

  • Overview
  • Overrides
  • Aspects
  • Custom types in Share
  • Themes overview
  • Best practices


  • Overview
  • Architecture
  • Terminology
  • Configuration


  • Overview
  • Configuration
  • Forms
  • Controls
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