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Java Optimisation

Accueil » Formations » Java » Java Optimisation

Java applications, like any other IT application, usually suffer from performance problems, often detected tardily.
It is not always possible to rely on the operators by increasing the capacity of the infrastructure (although this is sometimes a faster and cheaper solution).
In this case, you have to ask the developers to go back into their code to optimize it.
But you still need to have an approach and tools to understand what to optimize and how to do it.

1900 € HT 3 jours JA-OPT

Master the development of efficient and robust Java applications



  • Definition of performance
  • Performance for all
  • Elements of performance
  • Perceived performance
  • Performance at startup
  • Impact in layers of an application
  • Performance and architecture
  • “big O” notation

Optimization process

  • Analyze
  • Coding
  • Measuring to verify


  • Time measurement
  • Pitfalls
  • Benchmarking
  • Microbenchmarks
  • JMH
  • Recommendations


  • Profiling
  • JVisualVM
  • Eclipse MAT
  • SoapUI
  • JMeter

Main performance issues

  • Bottlenecks
  • Origins

Effective use of APIs

  • API Collections
  • wrappers usage
  • hashCode() method

Managing inputs and outputs

  • Using classes wisely
  • Serialization
  • Custom serialization
  • Network exchanges

Database access

  • Excessive number of requests
  • Poor persistence configuration
  • Large and/or unnecessary data reads
  • Connection pool configuration

Memory management

  • Memory organization
  • Garbage collectors
  • Objects life cycle
  • Configuring memory and GC
  • Memory measurement
  • Off Heap
  • Memory management and performance
  • HotSpot JVM options for monitoring GC activity
  • Memory leaks
  • Resource leaks

Optimizing memory usage

  • Optimize memory occupancy
  • Optimize instantiations


  • Benefits of multi-tasking
  • Using multi-tasking
  • APIs
  • Fork/Join framework
  • Race condition and contention
  • Deadlocks
  • Getting and using a threaddump
  • Parallel streams

Urban legends

  • Java is slow
  • Strings concatenation
  • Increasing the heap size
  • Caching as THE solution
  • 64 bits vs 32 bits

Importance of JVM and Java version

  • Choosing the JVM
  • Configuring the JVM
  • Version of Java used

Performance is not only technical

  • Non-technical reasons for poor performance
  • Taking into account in SDLC (Software Development Live cycle)
  • Measuring performance continuously
  • Monitoring
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