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Java : Programming : intermediate level

Accueil » Formations » Java » Java : Programming : intermediate level

These packages are for us the essential toolbox of the Java developer. It is also an opportunity to review in detail the advanced concepts of the language.

This training is the ideal complement to go from the knowledge of the syntax of Java and its basic mechanisms to its effective use in developments.

Our bias is however to stay within the framework of java packages (and not javax). Thus, important concepts such as xml file management or rich interfaces with swing are covered in specific training courses.

1850 € HT 3 jours JA-PGI

Deepen the essential APIs of Java development


Advanced syntax

  • Intern and anonymous classes
  • Constructors
  • Initialization blocks
  • Generic types
  • Syntax of lambdas (Java 8)
  • Syntax of method references (Java 8)

java.lang package

  • Object class
  • Comparable interface: equality and comparison
  • Clonable interface: object copy
  • Wrappers and autoboxing: type conversions
  • Strings: String, CharSequence, Appendable, StringBuffer, StringBuilder, …
  • Syntax extensions: Iterable, AutoCloseable
  • Enumerations: Enum class
  • Mathematical operations: Math and StrictMath
  • Standard annotations (@Deprecated, @Override, …)
  • Exceptions: Throwable, Exception, Error, RuntimeException, …
  • Utility classes: System, Runtime, Process and ProcessBuilder
  • Basics of parallelism: Runnable, Thread, …
  • Introspection: Class, Package, ClassLoader, …
  • Other elements of the java.lang package

java.math package

  • Real numbers and rounding errors
  • Extended numbers: BigInteger, BigDecimal
  • Rounding management: MathContext and RoundingMode

java.util package

  • Collections: Collection, List, Queue, Set, Map, …
  • Iterating on collections: Enumeration and Iteration
  • Collection implementation classes
  • Utility classes: Collections and Arrays
  • Time management: Date, Calendar, …
  • Currency representation: Currency
  • Parameterization: Properties
  • Internationalization: Locale, ResourceBundle, Formatter, …
  • Utility classes: Scanner, StringTokenizer, Random, …
  • Other elements of the java.util package : Observer, Observable, ServiceLoader, …

java.text package

  • String comparison: Collator, RuleBasedCollator
  • Text formatting: Format, MessageFormat, NumberFormat, DateFormat, … package

  • File management: File, FileFilter, FilenameFilter, …
  • Binary flow management: InputStream, OutputStream, …
  • Text flow management: Reader, Writer, …
  • Object flow management: Serializable, Externalizable, …
  • Utility classes: Console, StreamTokenizer, RandomAccessFile

java.nio package

  • “New” file management: FileStore, FileSystem, Path, FileSystems, Files, Paths, PathMatcher, WatchService, …
  • Data transfers: Buffer, Channel, Channels, … package

  • Network access: URL, URLConnection, URLEncoder, URLDecoder
  • TCP and UDP protocols: InetAddress, NetworkInterface, Socket, ServerSocket, …

java.sql package

  • JDBC framework : DriverManager, Connection, Statement, PreparedStatement, ResultSet, …

java.util.concurrent package

  • Advanced parallelism (Future, Executor, ExecutorService, Executors, …)
  • Synchronized collections: BlockingQueue, ConcurrentMap, …
  • java.util.concurrent.atomic package: thread-safe containers
  • java.util.concurrent.locks package: the explicit management of locks

java.time package (Java 8)

  • new temporal classes: Instant, Duration, LocalDate, LocalTime, Period, YearMonth, Temporal, …

java.util.function and packages (Java 8)

  • Functional Interfaces: Consumer, Predicate, Function, Supplier, …
  • Stream interfaces: BaseStream, Stream, Collector, …
  • Stream builder: stream(), paralleleStream(), iterate(), generate(), …
  • Aggregate functions: forEach, filter, sorted, map, collect, …

Overview of some other packages

  • java.util.logging package: tracing
  • java.util.prefs package: user preferences management
  • java.util.jar package: jars management
  • package: zip management
  • java.util.regex package: regular expressions
  • java.awt package: native graphical interfaces
  • javax.swing package: rich graphical interfaces
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