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Java EE workshop

Accueil » Formations » Java » Java EE workshop

Java Enterprise Edition appeared at the end of the 90's and brought to the Java language a robust platform for business applications.
This workshop proposes to examine by practice how to integrate all the bricks and specifications of Java EE to realize a robust and maintainable enterprise application through a complete case study.
Attention, to be efficient, this workshop presupposes that the trainees have a good practice of Java with Eclipse, Web applications with Java (Servlet/JSP) and finally a knowledge -or a minimal practice- of advanced Java EE concepts: JPA, EJB, JSF.

2500 € HT 5 jours JE-JEE5

Develop a complete Java EE application



  • Overview of Java EE layers and services (reminders)


  • Discovery of the case study. During this phase, trainees realize the UML models of the application: use cases, class models, services and components…

Setting up the environment

  • Installation of servers and development tools (JBoss server, MySQL, Eclipse WTP)
  • Applying deployment and testing principles

Implementation of the application layer with EJB3

  • EJB Session Stateless, Statefull (reminders)
  • Local and remote interfaces
  • Annotations
  • Principle of calling an EJB with JNDI. Trainees realize the application services with EJB3

Implementation of persistence with JPA (Java Persistence API)

  • Develop and test an entity (EJB Entity, EntityManager)
  • JPQL query language. Trainees implement and test the persistent business model of the application with JPA Entity

Distributed component techniques

  • Presentation of the principles and techniques
  • Stub or Skeleton technical classes
  • Proxy pattern
  • Illustration with RMI, CORBA and EJB

Implementation of Web Services

  • Reminders: SOA, Web Service, WSDL, SOAP, JAXB; Trainees transform an EJB into a Web Service and test it
  • Design pattern: Data Transfer Object (DTO)

Implementation of the Web layer

  • Servlet/JSP (reminders)
    • Servlet/JSP MVC model
    • Scripting and JSP
    • Data Transfer Object and Value Object patterns
    • JSTL tag library (JSP Standard Tag Library)
    • Implementing its own tags
  • Trainees implement the Java EE Web part: the screens and their navigation

Integration of JSF components

  • JSF (reminders)
    • Essential characteristics
    • Implementations: JSF-RI, MyFaces, IBM-JSF…
    • Component model of the user interface
    • Event-driven model
    • Data validation
    • Navigation model
    • Backing beans management
    • Internationalization
  • Trainees integrate in the web presentation layer rich components based on JSF

Transaction management with JTA

  • Transactions managed by the container
  • Transactions managed by the bean
  • Concurrent access management
  • Trainees make the application robust by taking into account concurrent access and ACID transaction management.
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