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Java Basics

Accueil » Formations » Java » Java Basics

This course is an entry point for anyone who wants to move into Java development. Java is both a programming language and an execution platform.
It is the foundation for the development of applications based on Java EE technology (WebSphere, WebLogic, JBoss, Tomcat,...).
Our training focuses on the object approach: understanding its founding principles and putting them into practice with Java.
We believe that an object developer develops faster because he codes less (and better).
The Java platform offers a large number of APIs that we could not reasonably cover in five days. We decided to present the APIs needed to use a database: JDBC, a tool that will certainly be essential to write a first management application.
On request, we can adapt this training to use another IDE than Eclipse in the practical works: Oracle NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, IBM RAD ...

2150 € HT 5 jours JA-BAS

Programming in Java and mastering its object concepts


The Java platform

  • History of the platform
  • The virtual machine
  • Compilation and execution
  • JRE and JDK

IDE (Eclipse)

  • Concepts and organization
  • Creating a project
  • Creating a class
  • Compiling, executing and debugging a Java program

Syntax, basics

  • Comments
  • Identifiers
  • Literals
  • Variables
  • Primitive types
  • Basic operators
  • Strings of characters
  • Conditional branches
  • Loops
  • Functions and procedures
  • Arrays
  • Packages and Imports
  • Classpath and java archives (jar)
  • Visibility

Basics object concepts

  • Object concepts: the origins
  • Problem with structured programming
  • Object concepts: principle, properties, messages
  • Class and instance concepts
  • Encapsulation
  • Implementation with Java
  • Explanation of strings
  • Attribute markers
  • Method markers
  • Constructors
  • Use of the constructor, instantiation
  • this keyword
  • Getters and setters
  • Common good and bad practices

Advanced object concepts

  • Abstraction, objects and classes
  • Inheritance and redefinition
  • Abstract class and abstract method
  • Understanding polymorphism
  • super keyword
  • Method overloading
  • Understanding polymorphism (again)
  • Relationship between classes
    • Association
    • Aggregation
    • Composition
    • Dependency
  • Reuse
  • Implementation with Java

Syntax and advanced concepts

  • Operator precedence
  • Switch instruction
  • Break and continue
  • Special characters
  • Multidimensional arrays
  • System class
  • Enumerated types
  • Interfaces
  • Transtyping (cast)
  • instanceof keyword
  • Collections
  • Wrapper of primitives
  • Auto-boxing and auto-unboxing
  • Generic types
  • Generic collections
  • Iterators
  • Loop on an Iterable
  • varargs” method
  • Comparable and Comparator
  • Internal class


  • principles, use
  • Checked exception, Error exception, Runtime exception
  • Call stack
  • Interception
  • Exception handling
  • Propagating the exception
  • Exception handling
  • finally block


  • Inputs/Outputs
  • Outputs
  • Package
  • File flow
  • Data flow
  • Object flow
  • Serialization

Introspection and reflection

  • Annotations
  • Principle, use
  • Creation of annotations
  • Code annotation
  • Some important annotations


  • Presentation
  • Logging APIs
  • Log4j components
  • Level, Logger, Appenders, Layouts
  • Configuration


  • Motivation
  • Simple thread
  • Runnable
  • Resource sharing
  • Thread management
  • Best practices


  • JDBC architecture and drivers
  • Databases and drivers
  • Loading the driver
  • Connecting to the database
  • Executing SQL queries
  • ResultSet browsing
  • Parameterized query
  • Object persistence
  • Principle of object/relational mapping
  • Illustration with Hibernate

Architecture and design

  • MVC model
  • Design Patterns
    • Singleton
    • Facade
    • Observer
    • State
    • Abstract factory
    • Visitor
    • Inversion of control
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