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Java 12 - 17 : What's New ?

Accueil » Formations » Java » Java 12 – 17 : What’s New ?

Java 17 is officially available since September 14, 2021. It is a LTS (Long Term Support) version which will guarantee upgrade for several years and not only 6 months.
Many changes (additions but also deletions) have been accumulated since version 11, the previous LTS.
These changes concern the syntax as well as the APIs, the JVM, the tools...

Come and discover in detail these evolutions in this one-day training (theoretical and practical).

Warning : knowledge and practice of Java 11 required (otherwise our training " Java 9 - 10 - 11 : the new features " )

700 € HT 1 jour JA-N17



  • The Java release model
  • Java 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Preview, incubator and experimental features

Evolutions in language

  • Switch Expressions
  • Pattern matching for instanceof
  • Text Blocks
  • Sealed classes
  • Records
  • Pattern Matching for switch (Preview)

New APIs

  • JFR Event Streaming
  • Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
  • Vector API
  • Foreign Function & Memory API
    • Foreign-Memory Access API
    • Foreign Linker API

Evolutions in APIs

  • Teeing Collector
  • Compact formatting of numbers
  • New methods
  • Warnings for Value-Based classes
  • Strong encapsulation of internal JDK APIs

Evolutions in JVM

  • Shenandoah
  • ZGC
  • Improvements in G1 and ZGC
  • Helpful NullPointerException
  • App CDS
  • Hidden Classes
  • Elastic Metaspace
  • Ports

Standard support

  • Unicode
  • Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA)
  • Security enhancements

Deprecated or removed features

  • Deprecated features of the JVM
  • Biased Locking
  • Deprecated APIs forRemoval
  • CMS garbage collector
  • Removed features

Evolutions in tools

  • Packaging tool (jpackage)
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