HTML : basics — Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3
- Historical context
- The HTML language
- The CSS language
- Quick overview
Content with HTML
- Structure of an HTML document
- Simple tags
- Lists
- Tables
- Media
- Image, video and audio elements
- Forms
- The different types of form fields
- Form validation
- Sending a form
- Links
- Comments
- Special characters
Formatting with CSS
- Basic principles
- CSS selectors
- Pseudo-classes (:active, :focus, :hover, …)
- Pseudo-elements (:before, :after)
- Properties and values
- Colors
- Dimensions (pixel, %, rem, vh, vw, calc())
- Layout
- Positioning
- Display type
- Media queries
- The box-sizing property
- Overflow and hyphenation
- The theming
- Text (color, size, font, alignment)
- Background (color, image)
- Inner and outer margins
- Borders (color, size, type, rounding, image)
- Shadows
- Fonts
- The behavior
- Pseudo-selectors
- Transformations
- Animations
- CSS variables