Automate application deployment with Docker
- Current issues
- Deployment solutions
- Container solution
- Presentation of Docker
- Benefits of using Docker
- Concepts of Docker
- Constraints
- Installation on Linux Ubuntu
- Installation on Windows
Docker commands
- Dockers containers
- Advantages of containers
- Containers vs virtual machines
- Creating a container
- Interactive mode
- Containers and processes
- Running in detached mode
- Identifying an image
- Layers
- Images on Docker Hub
- Finding an image
- Local images
- Retrieving an image
- Creating an image
- Commit changes to a container
- Creating an image with a Dockerfile
- Managing images
- Exploring images
Implementing containers
- Lifecycle
- Managing containers
Using containers
- Volumes
- Network port mapping
- Container linking
Limiting the resources of a container
- CPU limitation
- Memory limitation
Best practices
Docker daemon
- Managing the Docker daemon
- Docker Hub
- Private registries
- Using registries
Docker and orchestration
- Installation
- The configuration file
- Building and running the application
Using Docker
- Docker in dev and test
- Continuous integration
- Docker in production
- Cleaning
- Docker API
- Weaknesses
Emergence of the competition