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Angular 2+

Accueil » Formations » Front / Mobile » Angular 2+

Our trainings are organized on the latest version of Angular. With version 2 and then 4, 5 and now 13, Angular offers more consistency in front-end development. The concepts of ecma script 6 (ES6) are used to facilitate the production of SPA web applications: Modules, Annotations, Web Components ... TypeScript will be used to build components.

1800 € HT 3 jours DW-ANG2

Develop a web application with Angular 2+



  • Positioning of Angular
  • Angular vs AngularJS
  • Roles of TypeScript and ES6
  • Architecture overview
  • Presentation of Angular CLI
  • Discovery of a minimal sample
  • The startup phase


  • Debugging in the browser
  • Augury
  • Visual Studio Code

TypeScript and ES6

  • Transpilation
  • Let and const
  • Template strings
  • Typing
  • Classes and interfaces
  • Modules
  • Arrow functions
  • Decorators


  • The core concept of Angular
  • Structure of an Angular application
  • NgModule
  • Structure of a component
  • Template
  • Styles
  • Creating a component with Angular CLI
  • Component lifecycle
  • Component nesting
  • Content projection


  • Template and DOM
  • Interpolation and expressions
  • Binding and interactions
  • @Input and @Output
  • Bidirectional binding
  • The notion of directives
  • Structure directive and attribute directive
  • NgClass, NgStyle and NgModel
  • NgFor, NgIf and NgSwitch
  • The pipes

Dependency injection

  • Principles
  • Services and @Injectable
  • Injectors and providers
  • Types of providers
  • Token and @Inject

RxJS and Observables

  •  Principles of reactive programming
  •  The RxJS library
  •  The notion of flow
  •  Observables
  •  What uses in Angular?


  • Importance of routing
  • Configuration of the RouterModule
  • RouterOutlets
  • Definition of Routes
  • Navigating to a route
  • Secondary routes
  • Parameterized routes

HTTP calls

  • The notion of HTTP services
  •  The proposed APIs: Http and HttpClient
  •  Sending requests


  • Structure of a form
  • Forms by template
  • Validations
  • Style management
  • Reactive forms
  • FormControl and FormGroup
  • Group of fields with FormBuilder
  • Modification management


  • Coding guide links
  • Additional projects
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