Develop a web application with Angular 2+
- Positioning of Angular
- Angular vs AngularJS
- Roles of TypeScript and ES6
- Architecture overview
- Presentation of Angular CLI
- Discovery of a minimal sample
- The startup phase
- Debugging in the browser
- Augury
- Visual Studio Code
TypeScript and ES6
- Transpilation
- Let and const
- Template strings
- Typing
- Classes and interfaces
- Modules
- Arrow functions
- Decorators
- The core concept of Angular
- Structure of an Angular application
- NgModule
- Structure of a component
- Template
- Styles
- Creating a component with Angular CLI
- Component lifecycle
- Component nesting
- Content projection
- Template and DOM
- Interpolation and expressions
- Binding and interactions
- @Input and @Output
- Bidirectional binding
- The notion of directives
- Structure directive and attribute directive
- NgClass, NgStyle and NgModel
- NgFor, NgIf and NgSwitch
- The pipes
Dependency injection
- Principles
- Services and @Injectable
- Injectors and providers
- Types of providers
- Token and @Inject
RxJS and Observables
- Principles of reactive programming
- The RxJS library
- The notion of flow
- Observables
- What uses in Angular?
- Importance of routing
- Configuration of the RouterModule
- RouterOutlets
- Definition of Routes
- Navigating to a route
- Secondary routes
- Parameterized routes
HTTP calls
- The notion of HTTP services
- The proposed APIs: Http and HttpClient
- Sending requests
- Structure of a form
- Forms by template
- Validations
- Style management
- Reactive forms
- FormControl and FormGroup
- Group of fields with FormBuilder
- Modification management
- Coding guide links
- Additional projects