Toutes nos formations sont désormais disponibles en "Live Virtual classes". Contactez-nous pour plus d’informations : formation@oxiane.luToutes nos formations sont désormais disponibles en "Live Virtual classes". Contactez-nous pour plus d’informations :

Advanced Angular 2+

Accueil » Formations » Front / Mobile » Advanced Angular 2+

The new version of Angular, for those who already have experience on Angular2 (or more), led by experts!
All our trainings are conducted on the latest versions of Angular.

1850 € HT 3 jours DW-ANG2P

Master the advanced features of Angular 2+


Dependency injection best practices

  • Decomposition of modules
  • forRoot and forChild

Observables and Reactive Programming

  • Use of observables
  • Creation of observables
  • Cold vs Hot observables
  • ReplaySubject
  • Most fun operators

Change Detection: OnPush / Change Detection total control

  • How Angular 2 Change Detection works
  • Boost Angular 2 performance with OnPush mode
  • Full-control of the Change Detection

Reactive Forms

  • Dynamic Inputs
  • Validation
  • Asynchronous Validation

Transclusion or Content Projection

  • Principle, advantages and design patterns
  • Multi-transclude


  • Routing Tree
  • Lazy loading


  • Component testing
  • Service testing
  • Spies and Mocks


  • Configuration
  • Essential loaders
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