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Accueil » Formations » Factory » Kubernetes

Kubernetes or "K8s" is an open source platform for automating the deployment, scaling and implementation of application containers.
Initially designed by Google, then taken over by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It works with many containers and is often used with Docker .

This training will allow you to understand how Kubernetes works, to install, configure and manage it.

1350 € HT 2 jours IJ-KUB

Optimizing containers with Kubernetes


Docker and containers

  • Containers revolution
  • Creating and using containers

Kubernetes and container orchestration

  • Why an orchestrator?
  • Advantages of Kubernetes
  • Setting up Kubernetes

Architecture of Kubernetes

  • Working principles
  • Components of Kubernetes
  • Masters/workers
  • Network layer

Basic concepts

  • Kubernetes API
  • Kubectl tool
  • Basic resources: Pod, Deployment, Label, Namespace, ConfigMap, Secret, Service, Ingress…

Kubernetes in everyday life

  • Advanced use of kubectl: connection inside a pod, port forward…
  • Scaling up
  • Application updates
  • Monitoring
  • Troubleshooting
  • Best practices

Going further with Kubernetes

  • Advanced resources: StatefulSet, DaemonSet, Probe, Volume, StorageClass, Request, Limit…
  • Microservices architecture
  • Kubernetes and its ecosystem (Helm, Prometheus, Istio…)


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